For your creative wellness journey.

Free downloadable resources…

  • Brain Cleanser - Mini Abstracts

    This “BRAIN CLEANSER” activity is a great way to play and get quite physical with the creative process without worrying about the composition or result. They’re incredibly beginner-friendly and can help if you feel a bit blocked. It’s an opportunity to embrace perfectly imperfect.

    This “How To” guide was commissioned by the Heart of England Community Rail Partnership to work in collaboration with the Life Path Trust Trust as a part of the ARTIST ON MY STREET Project hosted by Coventry Artspace and funded by Avanti West Coast.

  • Nourish - Well-Being Tool Kit

    In our NOURISH sessions post-pandemic in 2021, we collated universal and unique examples of tools to try for yourself. Feel free to utilise what can work for you and consider what already works for you. Create your own Well-Being Tool Kit.