8 benefits to deeply resetting.
I used to be a people pleaser; my mission and thoughts used to be as long as the people I was working with were happy, then that was the most important thing, right?
Wrong - eventually, it led me to a place in my life that was detrimental. I also lost out on many opportunities to enhance my life in a more authentic direction.
I struggled through breakdowns and mental health issues. The realisation that I had veered so far off from my values and personal vision was a cold, stark, painful hit of reality.
That is why I desire to stop and look at what I am doing—especially each year at this time and every few months. I crave that helicopter view of everything to understand the overview of what I am doing and why. I regularly review the direction I'm taking with my business and life to ensure I am on track.
Not doing this Review and Reset process results in me taking directions I never intend to go and becoming something that isn't me.
Why take the time regularly to do the process?
Our lives are set to default, or other people's standards; but who sets those defaults and standards? The answer is not us.
If we don't take the time to sit down and consider what is best for us, for our careers and businesses, this will be decided for you. This lack of control has detrimental effects on our efficiency, productivity and mental health.
Why is the process so helpful?
This process has helped me beyond measure. When I struggle with overwhelm and start to feel disenchanted with what I am doing, I will go through this process, and it all becomes clear. The benefits of taking a regular day out to review where you are every few months means you can:
Stay on track
Reviewing will keep you on the course to achieve your vision even when external things change. Making conscious decisions rather than going too much with the flow will stop you from losing your direction and veering off track.
Consciously adjust the track
Recalibrate your track rather than stressing about arbitrary deadlines and targets that can begin to wane in relevance.
Expand your opportunities
Being conscious of your present situation in the reviewing process will enable you to consider your options deeply. You can enhance your experiences by identifying key partnerships, income generation possibilities and areas for growth.
Take stock and time out for the good things
We tend to fall into default mode and forget to smell the roses in life; this is detrimental to our mental health and sense of self-worth. Celebrate the good things that can get swept under the rug if we are overwhelmed, stressed out and operating on default (join us at connect to smell the roses).
Crush the overwhelm and regain focus
Taking the precious time out to sit down and understand where the overwhelm is coming from and how to take your next steps forwards is the best way to face the problem. Continuing to push through can be detrimental to the efficiency of the situation and your mental health.
Take control back
Actively decide and work out where you can improve your life, career, business and service
Where are you holding yourself back?
Having the time to question the efficiency of what you are doing will enable you to learn, adjust and improve going forwards; rather than making the same mistakes repeatedly.
Get back to your authentic self and your vision
Don’t forget your values! Ensuring to check in with where you are, who you’re working with, what you are doing and where they fit in with your values will align your motivations.
So why don't you give it a go?
I have created some overarching universal questions to help you centre your mind and consider what you need going forwards.
Review Questions To Get You Started:
What were the top five highlights from the last year
What were the top five main lessons learnt?
From the previous answers, what do you need to adjust going forwards?
Go for it, answer these questions for yourself and be honest. Who knows what you will discover and what opportunities will open up.
If you would like some personalised guidance in these areas and the opportunity to be constructively challenged, sign up for one of the Grow - Review and Reset sessions. I host these every quarter to ensure you are on track. Like all my sessions, these sessions are friendly, non-judgemental and 'very pragmatically clarifying'.