Musings, lessons and tips…

My thinky createy bloggy.

Creativity, Activity, How To's, Confidence Donna Preece-Jones Creativity, Activity, How To's, Confidence Donna Preece-Jones

Confidence through creative thinking.

I recently hosted a Salon Series talk for Coventry University on supporting Women in Academia and Business. The theme was Building Confidence and Beating Imposter Syndrome.

The session focused on building confidence and replacing unhealthy, toxic understandings of ‘success’, ‘knowledge’, ‘growth’, or ‘motivation’.

The space we created was safe, confidential, and fair. Everyone could share however much they wished, and whatever personal stories were shared stayed in the group.

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Creativity, Activity, How To's Donna Preece-Jones Creativity, Activity, How To's Donna Preece-Jones

Wellness through creativity tools.

... This realization of how powerful and effective this resolve was changed my business objectives. I pivoted from the last ten years of business/personal development support. I wanted to dedicate myself solely to figuring out this activity as a universal opportunity for anyone feeling lost, overwhelmed, burnt out, or disconnected. To make a tangible difference in people's lives by utilising creativity to enrich wellness for people across the board...

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Creativity, Exhibition Donna Preece-Jones Creativity, Exhibition Donna Preece-Jones

Ways of connecting.

The Artist On My Street Exhibition, ‘Connection’ launched at Coventry Railway Station.

The Life Path Trust community collaboratively created artwork with local coventry artist Donna Preece-Jones celebrating connections unveiled by the Heart of England Community Rail Partnership and Coventry Artspace.

Here’s what happened…

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Creativity, Well-Being Donna Preece-Jones Creativity, Well-Being Donna Preece-Jones


The following poem is written by a wonderful artist that I am fortunate to be friends with and have followed her work development for quite a while. This poem moved me when I read it and I felt it would resonate with you lovely people.

Knots a Poem by Marianne White

They start in the depths of my belly
Unbeknown to me while watching the telly
Sprouting one by one, what is this feeling i am not ready
The knots are making themselves known they are coming fast but steady

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Well-Being, Creativity Donna Preece-Jones Well-Being, Creativity Donna Preece-Jones

The DPA story.

"Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity." Coco Chanel

The real conflicts came from an incongruence, a divergence from my values and my core purpose. I had neglected my true self and had suffered a breakdown because of this.

When I was in the darkest times, my raw creativity got me through. After 14r years of not picking up a paintbrush, it was painting that saw me through. That was when I realised there was power in that creative process.

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Creativity, Exhibition Donna Preece-Jones Creativity, Exhibition Donna Preece-Jones

The Tin 10-year celebratory DPA exhibition.

The Tin Music and Arts, 10th Anniversary, DPA Exhibition launch on 16th September 2023.

From July 2022 to August 2023, The DPA has been running Well-Being Abstract Painting (CREATE) sessions at The Tin Community space. The space is fun and flexible, and the staff are kind and accommodating; it was the perfect place to relax without judgment and explore our well-being and creativity.

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Productivity, Creativity Donna Preece-Jones Productivity, Creativity Donna Preece-Jones

Tap into your creativity.

What an unusual statement from John Cleese about creativity, I thought. I am used to more flowery and intangible statements about creativity, but this sums it up so primally for me and how I like to operate. But I’ve found it is underestimated and misunderstood…

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Start your journey

It all begins with an idea and a feeling. Maybe you want more from your life?…