Musings, lessons and tips…

My thinky createy bloggy.

Social media, Business, Marketing, Mental Health Donna Preece-Jones Social media, Business, Marketing, Mental Health Donna Preece-Jones

Authentic social media for business.

Business in general comes hand in hand with promoting products/services, people still need to know about what you do; that brings the marketing dilemma and an assumed potential social media strategy.

Finding a unique balance between maintaining the best working environment for my brain and creating the best results for my clients has taken some trial and error…

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Well-Being, Productivity, Social media, Business, Mental Health Donna Preece-Jones Well-Being, Productivity, Social media, Business, Mental Health Donna Preece-Jones

Anti social media.

… Grabbing any device I could at work, notifications pinging around left, right and centre, constantly open and ready to connect and talk, always on the go-go-go on every platform, selfie-ing my way through life, running events, sharing everything.

I didn't understand the repercussions of social media and the decline of:

- my mental health
- my authenticity, who was I?
- the quality of my work...

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Start your journey

It all begins with an idea and a feeling. Maybe you want more from your life?…