Creativity, well-being, musings, lessons and tips & tricks…

My Wellness blogGy.

Creativity, Exhibition Donna Preece Creativity, Exhibition Donna Preece

Ways of connecting

The Artist On My Street Exhibition, ‘Connection’ launched at Coventry Railway Station.

The Life Path Trust community collaboratively created artwork with local coventry artist Donna Preece-Jones celebrating connections unveiled by the Heart of England Community Rail Partnership and Coventry Artspace.

Here’s what happened…

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Creativity, Exhibition Donna Preece Creativity, Exhibition Donna Preece


The Tin Music and Arts, 10th Anniversary, DPA Exhibition launch on 16th September 2023.

From July 2022 to August 2023, The DPA has been running Well-Being Abstract Painting (CREATE) sessions at The Tin Community space. The space is fun and flexible, and the staff are kind and accommodating; it was the perfect place to relax without judgment and explore our well-being and creativity.

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Well-Being Donna Preece Well-Being Donna Preece

That moment.

That moment.

When you realise…
• That feeling I should be working or doing something
• Something unknown and genuinely awful was going to happen
• That lurking, invasive feeling that something terrible is about to happen
• I should of said 'xwz' and now everything is going to crumble

… it doesn't have to be this way.

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Productivity, Creativity Donna Preece Productivity, Creativity Donna Preece

tap into your creativity

What an unusual statement from John Cleese about creativity, I thought. I am used to more flowery and intangible statements about creativity, but this sums it up so primally for me and how I like to operate. But I’ve found it is underestimated and misunderstood…

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Start your journey

It all begins with an idea and a feeling. Maybe you want more from your life?…