A creative thinking direction.
Well guys, It’s been a long minute.
I know that the loyal ones of you would appreciate a heads-up on what has been happening, as my communication has been limited for the last year while I was figuring out my next steps.
The last few years have seen me work through what it means to be me professionally since my life-changing leap and breakthrough a few years ago.
The Donna Preece Academy is now The DPA, a community of creative thinkers and doers, all unified by greater wellness and contentment in life.
In the last 18 months, I have, through the power of The DPA, have:
I ran approximately 20 well-being events, such as Connect and Create, hosted in lovely local venues, and partnered with great like-minded businesses, with fantastic impact results.
I won a bid to facilitate and produce artwork with Artspace, the Life Path Trust, the Community Rail Partnership, and Avanti.
Branched into living environment well-being projects
Been featured in the Saturday Telegraph well-being supplement
Began working in care homes, supporting residents with creative well-being sessions
All of this seems great; all the communications and social media I posted looked good. But as a small business owner, this was what was happening:
Marketing and recruiting for the events required a tremendous amount of work. I barely broke even and struggled to balance the efforts of promotional demand.
People's perspectives around creativity, especially as a well-being resource to priorities, aren’t quite there yet.
From the focus group research I conducted in partnership with Coventry University and their Citizen Social Scientist project in the Autumn of 2024, it’s clear there’s still a way to go around education and awareness. I will share the findings of this research with everyone shortly.
These two main areas of realisation have led me to admit that, from a business perspective, my previous approaches weren’t working for me. People aren’t quite ready yet. And with the economy, as it is at the moment, people can’t prioritise well-being in this way, especially without support, space, guidance, and education for it.
However, I am used to returning to the drawing board and, from the dawn of a new year, can see the world from a new approach.
So now I am leaning into my experience and talents as a creative and facilitator. I’m steering The DPA towards Creative Thinking development, with well-being enabling people to learn transferable leadership skills, such as;
emotional intelligence
communication skills
confidence building
team building
We use processes like Design Thinking and Lego Serious Play to develop a deep understanding and games to create a fun learning space and a deeper connection to build skills that strengthen leadership abilities. All the creativity and fun of The DPA, with all the practicality of application in the wider world.
I have a couple of clients lined up, and I am excited to share those opportunities in the future. In the meantime, In the meantime:
The last few years have enabled me to be accepted into an MSc in Neuroscience and Psychology of Mental Health at Warwick University course. I plan to continue my Neuroscience and Creativity research and develop my knowledge there.
My partnership with CJD and Golden Years Health Coaching has become a more profound opportunity to offer Creative Well-being resources to ageing and broader communities through funding from UnLtd.
Coming up soon in 2025:
Creative Thinking Masterclasses opportunities such as Design Thinking
Happiness Walks will be offered in partnership with Golden Years Health Coaching
Wellness Coaching support opportunities through Golden Years Health Coaching
As always, I hope you are well and staying balanced ♡