Energy management.

I have wanted to write about this for some time. It has been a subject that I have been interested in for a while. It has been a significant key to self-manage and understanding how I can authentically show up as my confident self. It has taken me time to understand and apply the concept in my own life. It is something that I manage every day.

Introvert vs Extrovert

As an introvert I have fought against what I thought was a negative perception of my personality all my life. I am shy but confident. I like my own company and enjoy deep one-to-one chats with people. I also enjoy days on end by myself. Growing up in an extroverted, high-energy household, I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb.

Let me break this down…

What is an introvert or extrovert?

From my experience and observation of working in teams and supporting hundreds of students over the years, I would split this thinking into two ways of understanding and application in day-to-day life.

1.      Mental process

2.      Energy recharge

The term introvert/extrovert relates to how you energise yourself and tend to process information.

An introvert introspectively analyses and evaluates within their mind, hesitant to speak out on a subject until they have considered it thoroughly themselves first. This process involves time alone to ponder things, research, or recharge.

An extrovert feel charged by being around other people and having many conversations. They also make sense of the world through discussions.

Additional points to be aware of…

Where do we sit? We are all at some stage between these two on a sliding scale. You could also consider yourself to be an ambivert - a clear cut between the two. I am partially central but firmly in the introvert camp. I have found that this has also changed in me at different times in my life. We have different needs and different ways we deal with things.

People can also affect how energised we feel. Have you ever been with someone, and afterwards, you feel completely depleted of energy? Or, on the flip side, do you feel completely energised? Different activities and interactions affect us considerably.

Your energy levels will change according to what you have going on, you will have people in your life that drain you and people that will build you up. The main thing is to be aware of all of this.

How do you know what you are? I recommend this simple test that helps you understand where you sit:

You can also take the 16 Personalities Test that helps you build your self-awareness even more:

How can I put this understanding into practice?

It's helpful to be aware of these effects, so we are more conscious and able to manage them in our lives.

What this means is that you can manage your schedule and energy levels effectively

Suppose you are an introvert; one of the significant areas of self-management that is neglected in my students and clients is awareness of the importance of scheduling recovery time from substantial events or mentally draining activities.

I can not stress this point enough, introverts recharge their energy alone; alone time is essential. If you have had the most favourable day but have been go-go with conversations, allow yourself a day or two for contemplation and evaluation. In this busy go-go-go world, this valuable process is often overlooked and missed out on altogether. It is one of the most important things to learn, grow and implement more effectively for yourself and any project you are working on.

If I deliver a week intensive course, I will flat out the book the following week as recovery time. This time and energy management gives me time to switch off, sleep, and whilst everything is fresh, evaluate what was great and what could be honed in my mind. It enables me to think about areas and things that generally get overlooked and means I bring more value to the plate than a rushed situation will do.

On the flip side, if you are an extrovert and need that interaction, account for it in your day-to-day life. Do you get that from your work? Are you finding working from home gets you down? Then look at alternatives to complement your new work schedule. Book regular time with friends, join Meet Up groups or check out local organisations you can join.

What are the greater benefits of this AWARENESS?

Having this understanding of yourself and what you need means you can consider establishing boundaries for yourself and not feeling them forced on you. (If you are unsure what boundaries are, check out this lovely video from Bréne Brown… I want to write a piece on setting boundaries soon).

This society tends to be more in the extrovert camp. Post, share, status, selfie, society looks more favourably on the extroverted personality types. Such types push themselves into the limelight and naturally connect with as many people as possible. The introvert can quickly disappear into the background under the same circumstance, happy for these individuals to take centre stage.

This is a shame; there is much to gain from contemplative evaluation and consideration, a need for privacy and psychological safety. I want to empower people to lean into their strengths and not be phased by others' approvals and create space for what they need, not what they are forced to do.

When we are feeling low and drained, my husband and I ask each other, "what do you need?" It's this understanding that you can answer that question. Then you will be able to show up as your best self when you need to, to be a better person for everyone else and yourself.

This awareness feeds into boundary setting, self-care, time-management and greater life direction and impact.

If have any thoughts, considerations, additions or arguments I would love to hear them. The conversation helps refine the research and work that I am doing, so welcome aboard!

I also have the Time and Self-Care Management Workshop that embodies all of the elements above and teaches you how you can better manage your time and self-care to show up as your best self. If you would like to join us you can sign up at the ticket link below.


That doom moment.


Tap into your creativity.